lundi, novembre 22, 2010

WORLD AGENDA (NOV. 22--26, 2010)

(Nov. 22–26, 2010)
WORLD; NORTH AMÉRICA: ***United States: Chicago FED Nat. Activity Index (22); FED’s Kocherlakota Speaks (22); GDP (3Q) S (23); FED's Rate Decision Minutes & Economic Forecasts (23);  Personal Consumption Expenditure (23); Existing Home Sales (23); Richmond FED Manufacturing Index (23); ABC Consumer Confidence (23); MBA Mortgage Applications (24); Durable Goods Orders (24); Personal Income (24); Personal Spending (24); Personal Consumption Expenditure Core (24); Weekly Jobless (24); Personal Consumption Expenditure Deflator (24); U. of Mich. Confidence (24); House Price Index (24); New Home Sales (24); DOE Oil Inventories (24); México; IGAE (Global Activity Economic Index (22);  GDP (22); Retail Sales (23);  Services (23); Consumer Price Index (1st Half Nov) (24);Trade Balance (24); Unemployment Rate (25); Current Account (3Q) (25);BANXICO (Bank of Mexico) Rate Decision (26);  ;Canada; Consumer Price Index (23); Retail Sales (23);    ;EUROPE; ; Britain: BBA Loans for House Purchase (23); BoE Posen Speaks on U.K. Economy (23); GDP (3Q P) (24); Exports (24); Government Spending (24); Gross Fixed Capital Formation (24); Services (24); Total Business Investment (24); BoE’s King, Tucker, Dale, Posen, Sentence attend Treasury Hearing (25); ;Switzerland : Employment Level (25); KOF Swiss Leading Indicator (26);   ; EURO-ZONE : Consumer Confidence (22); ECB Trichet’s Annual Report (22); PMI Composite (24); PMI Manufacturing (24); PMI Services (24); Industrial New Orders (24); M3 (26);   ;Germany: GDP (23); Exports (23); Government Spending (23); IFO Business Climate (24); IFO Current Assessment (24); IFO Expectations (24); Consumer Price Index (26); ; France : Business Confidence (23); PMI Manufacturing (23); PMI Services (23); Consumer Confidence (25); Consumer Spending (26); Total Job Seekers (26);  ; Italy : Consumer Confidence (23); Retail Sales (24); Business Confidence (25);;ASIA, PACIFIC:—Japan: Trade Balance (24); BoJ Nakamura Speaks on Japanese Economy (25); Consumer Price Index (25);    :Australia: CB Leading Index (23); Private Capital Expenditure (25);  ; New Zealand: RBNZ 2-year Inflation Expectation (23); ;China: Leading Index (26); MNI Business Condition Survey (26);   ;


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