jeudi, mars 31, 2011

WORLD ECONOMY WEEKLY AGENDA (March 31 -- April 01, 2011)

(March 31 -- April 01, 2011)
WORLDJAPAN DISASTER, EURO DEBT CRISIS (PORTUGAL) AND ARAB UPRISINGS HEADLINES AFFECTING GLOBAL MARKETS .....Also :  U.S. Treasury Geithner, French President Sarkozy, Chinese VP Qishan and ECB President Trichet in 1-day seminar on IMF Nanjing (31) ; NORTH AMÉRICA: ***United States: Weekly Jobless (31); Chicago PMI (31); Bloomberg Consumer Confort (31); Factory Orders (31); FED's Lacker Speaks (31); FED's Tarullo Speaks (31); Plosser Speaks (01); Unemployment Rate (01); FED's Dudley Speaks (01); Construction Spending (01); ISM Manufacturing (01); Vehicle Sales (01); México;  Mines & Metals Industry (31) Construction (31); Feb. Financial Activity (31); Family Remittances (01); Private Sector's Economy Specialists' Expectations Survey (01);   ; Canada;GDP (31);  ;EUROPE;   ; Britain: House Prices (31); PMI Manufacturing (01);   ;Switzerland:  Retail Sales (01); PMI (01);    ; EURO-ZONE : Consumer Price Index Estimate (31); PMI Manufacturing (01);Unemployment Rate (01); ; Germany: Unemployment Rate (31); Retail Sales (01); PMI Manufacturing (01); ; France: PMI Manufacturing (01); ;Italy: Consumer Price Index (31); Unemployment Rate (01); PMI Manufacturing (01); Budget Balance (01);   ;---ASIA, PACIFIC:---Japan:  Vehicle Production (31); Housing Starts (31); Construction Orders (31); Manufacturing PMI (31); Tankan Index (31); Vehicle Sales (01);   :Australia: Building Approvals (31); Private Sector Credit (31); AIG Manufacturing (31); Commodity Prices (01); ;New Zealand; Activity Outlook (31); Busines Confidence (31); ;China:  PMI Manufacturing (01); HSBC Manufacturing (01);    ;
NY :00:, London :00, Tokyo , :00------Remarkable TodayRemarkable this Week: Markets:..Gold, Oil, Euro : Crisis Background: Don`t be misguided!....We are still immersed in the middle stage of the debt crisis started in 2008 with Lehman Brothers fall!

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