dimanche, mai 29, 2011

WORLD ECONOMY (Weekly Agenda May 30-- June 03, 2011)

(May 30 -- June 03, 2011)
WORLD: Peru's Run-off (Sunday 05), Portugal's General Election (Sunday 05) ; NORTH AMÉRICA: ***United States: SP's/Case-Shiller Home Prices (31); Chicago PMI (31); Consumer Confidence (31); ISM Manufacturing (01);FED's Pianalto Speaks (01); Vehicle Sales (01);ICSC Chain Store Sales (02); Weekly Jobless (02); Productivity (02); Bloomberg Consumer Comfort (02); Factory Orders (02); DOE Oil Inventories (02); Average Hourly Earnings (03); Unemployment Rate (03); ISM Services Composite (03)  México; Manufacturing (30); Construction (31); Mines and Metals Industry (31); Manufacturing Trends (03); Producer Confidence (02); Factory Orders (02); Consumer Confidence (03); Family Remittances (01); Private Sector Economy Specialists' expectations BANXICO's Survey (03) ; Canada; Current Account (30); GDP (30); Raw Materials Prices (31); BoC Rate Decision (31);   ;EUROPE;  ; Britain: Business Barometer (30);Manufacturing PMI (01); M4 (01); Net Consumer Credit (01); Net Lending on Dwellings (01); Mortgage Approvals (01);PMI Construction (02);  ; Switzerland: GDP (31); Consumption Indicator (31); Retail Sales (01); PMI (01);   ; EURO-ZONE: Consumer Prices (31); Unemployment Rate (31); Manufacturing PMI (01); Services PMI (03); Composite (03);  ; Germany: Retail Sales (31); Unemployment Rate (31); Manufacturing PMI (01); Services PMI (03); ; France: Consumer Spending (31); Producer Prices (31); ILO Unemployment Rate (01); Manufacturing PMI (01);     ;Italy: Berlusconi Trial Resumes (31);  Unemployment Rate (31); Consumer Prices (31); Manufacturing PMI (01); Budget Balance (01);    ;---ASIA, PACIFIC:---Japan:Construction Orders (30); Housing Starts (30); Manufacturing PMI (30); Household Spending (30); Unemployment Rate (30); Industrial Production (30);  Labor Cash Earnings (31); Vehicle Production (31); Housing Starts (Annualized) (31); BoJ International Conference on Monetary Policy (01); PM Naoto Kan' Parliamentary Debate (01); Vehicle Sales (01); Capital Spending (01); Monetary Base (01); BoJ Nakamura Speaks (02);  :Australia: Building Approvals (31); Current Account (31); Exports (31); Private Sector Credit (31); Manufacturing Index (31); New Home Sales (01); GDP (01); Commodity Prices (01); Trade Balance (02); Retail Sales (02);     ; New Zealand; Trade Balance (Sunday 29); Activity Outlook (31); Business Confidence (31); Terms of Trade Index (31);Commodity Prices (01); Services (02); Building Permits (02);    ;China: Leading Index (30); Manufacturing PMI (01); HSBC Manufacturing PMI (01); Services PMI (03); HSBC Services (03); Tiananmen 22th crackdown anniversary (Saturday 04th) India: GDP (31);

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