mardi, octobre 18, 2011

WORLD ECONOMY (Agenda Oct. 19--21, 2011)

(Oct. 17 -- 21, 2011)

WORLD:  ; NORTH AMÉRICA: ***United States:  MBA Mortgage Applications (19); FED's Rosengren Speaks (19); Consumer Prices (19); Housing Starts (19);Building Permits (19); DOE Oil Inventories (19); FED's Beige Book (19); Weekly Jobless (20); Bloomberg Economic Expectations (20); Bloomberg Consumer Comfort (20); Leading Indicators (20); Philadelphia FED (20);Existing Home Sales (20); FED's Bullard Speaks (20); FED's Kocherlakota Speaks (21); FED's Kocherlakota Speaks (21); México; Retail Sales (20); Services (20); 
Manufacturing IMMEX (21);  Unemployment Rate (21);   ; Canada;  Leading Indicators (19); Wholesale Sales (20); Consumer Prices  (21); ;EUROPE; ; BritainBoE Minutes (19); Retail Sales (20); Public Finances (21);  ; SwitzerlandTrade Balance (20); ZEW Expectations (20); M3 (21); ; EURO-ZONECurrent Account (19); Construction (19);  Consumer Confidence (20);Sovereign Debt-GDP (21);  ;Germany: Producer Prices (20); Business Climate (21); Current Assessment (21); Expectations (21);---ASIA, PACIFIC:---Japan:   All Industry Activity Index (19); Stocks and Bonds Buying and Selling (19);  Coincident and Leading Indexes (20); ; Australia: Business Confidence (20) ; New Zealand; Services (Sunday 16); Credit Card Spending (21);   :ChinaCB Leading Index (19)

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